PHP is short for Pre-Hypertext Processing and is a very powerful programming language. It is also a relatively simple language to learn. At least the basics are easy. If you need a programmer that is capable of programming in PHP let us know and we will find you one.
PHP is quickly becoming one of the languages to know as a web developer much like Perl was when it first came out.
Our support does not include programming issues debugging of your code, but does cover server side issues such as the PHP software on our servers not working or configuration issues. If you need a programmer, we can surely find you one or you can find one on your own.
If you would like to learn PHP we have many links to other websites that have an abundance of information.
The first place to start would be probably be the home of PHP.
We will also have a section for books that will be coming soon.
The PHP4 manual is over 1000 pages and is pretty complete on all of the aspects of the language. It does not really give many examples of real life applications but that is what bookstores are for. There are hundreds of books on PHP and PHP Applications. There are literally thousands of uses for PHP.
Here are the links to the PHP Manual.
PHP4 Owners Manual (HTML Format)
PHP4 Owners Manual (Download Zipped PDF)
Users of 56K modems, be prepared to wait for a while as this file is almost 9 Megs.